We will acknowledge and respect that all tamariki have a strong sense of Mana inherited from their tīpuna. We will uphold and enhance their mana through meaningful reciprocal interactions which promote empowering connections to others enabling tamariki to become strong, powerful, and competent learners
We acknowledge Tiriti o waitangi as the foundation of our mahi with the tamariki. It will guide us to forge meaningful and lasting relationships with all tamariki, their whānau and their cultures through making connections to our place, this land and where we come from.
We have a culture built on aroha and respect for our tamariki, Kaiako, whanau and wider community where encouragement, acceptance and warmth drives our mahi in every part of our curriculum
We acknowledge that every tamaiti, kaiako and whānau bring skills, knowledge, and experiences to our learning space to build strong respectful partnerships which grow and strengthen our learning community through a holistic approach to learning
We believe that we have role to play in being the guardians of our land. We will work alongside our tamariki, whānau and community in a collaborative approach to educate, celebrate, connect to and protect this land for furture generations.
Ko te ahurei o te tamaiti aroha o tātou mahi
Let the uniqueness of the child guide our work